MEHRRAUM - The timely city – potentials of multiple use

MEHRRAUM - The timely city – potentials of multiple use

On behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Regional Development and Housing, Department of Innovative Building and Planning, Head Office of the Residential Campaign, we have been able to complete the study mehrraum – the timely city – potentials of multiple use.

Taking the increasing scarcity of space and resources into consideration, the aim of the mehrraum study is to focus on the unused potential of existing space. There is unused potential in areas and infrastructures that are not sufficiently used to their capacity over the day, week and month. Responsible for these inefficiencies are strict definitions and regulations for specific room programs, but also ownership, rental and operating concepts, which result in areas being operated only within a certain period of time. The rest of the time they lie idle. The study aims to break this pattern.

The concept of mehrraum is based on the principle of multiple usage by scheduling complementary uses over time. This results in a reduction of time-related waste of space thanks to the adequate use to the full capacity of areas, rooms and infrastructure.


You can read the entire study here.

MEHRRAUM - Future potential

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