LAUP - Colorful wooden day care center in Laupheim

With sustainable materials and a targeted color scheme, the new day care center on the last construction field in the Bronner Berg residential area in Laupheim offers space for 4 groups of children. The layout of the floor plan reminds visually of a small street with protruding and receding small houses. Conceptually, the clearly gridded floor plan with its restrained exterior facade is based on the planned extension of the day care center by two residential floors and the desired possibility of a later conversion of the day care center into apartments.

LAUP - Flagship project of the Housing Campaign of Baden-Württemberg

The city of Laupheim also impressed with its "mehrraum" concept. They plan the establishment of living space above a day care center with multi use community rooms in one building. “To share space and use it in combination means saving space. Taking the scarcity of space in account, the concept has a future and should therefore be supported,” praised Housing Minister Hoffmeister-Kraut the project.