Multiple use
In general, strictly defined spatial programs and common typologies determine the shape of new buildings. Monofunctional rooms are being planned and built. A specific use is assigned to a specific area. This usually means that the time span of occupation is not taken into account. The principle of "multiple use" supplements the spatial program with a temporal component. In this way, the area is not only assigned to a specific use, but also specific time quotas are ascribed to individual actors. Through intelligent combination of actors and uses a so-called "multiple use" of resources can be approached. We call spatial concepts that incorporate this ideal “mehrraum”.
Schröer, A. (2019), Mehrfach:Nutzen - Mehrfachnutzung und Space Sharing als Strategie zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung (Multiple:Use - multiple use and space sharing as a strategy for sustainable urban development), p. 212
Time geography and “spatiotemporal" consideration
In the field of time geography, the term "spatiotemporal" is used for the coherent structure of the spatial and temporal components of activities. Activity patterns can be described “spatiotemporally” in relation to specific users (individuals or groups), specific time patterns and locations.
The field of multiple use analyzes these patterns in which space offers multiple opportunities for utilization once the temporal component is considered as well.